#AtoZ Challenge: L is for Laundry

#AtoZ Challenge: L is for Laundry

Laundry is one of those consistent chores that demands time.  Most times I let the laundry pile up for the week and spend hours cycling through each load, fluffing and folding. Sometimes I wash loads of laundry during the week so I don't have the huge weekend time suck.

However you prefer to manage your laundry, it's easy to integrate a little dog obedience training into your routine. I don't train during all stages of laundry every week, but I usually will train during at least one phase.

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#AtoZ Challenge: J is for Jaunts Around Town

#AtoZ Challenge: J is for Jaunts Around Town

Taking your dog on jaunts around town is a great opportunity for socialization and some light training.

These adventures allow me to evaluate how my dogs interact in different crowds, meeting new people, and meeting other dogs. While I may not get in a great deal of formal training, I will be expecting polite behavior from Bernie and Lizzie.

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#AtoZ Challenge: G is for Games

#AtoZ Challenge: G is for Games

In addition to keeping dog obedience training short, you want to keep it fun!

When you make training sessions enjoyable for your dog, more than likely you'll see a higher engagement level. You'll strengthen your bond with your dog. Plus you'll have a good time and forget that you're "working" with your dog.

Playing games are effective for tuckering your dog out both physically and mentally. You can also integrate training on specific cues.

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#AtoZ Challenge: F is for Feeding Time

#AtoZ Challenge: F is for Feeding Time

This tip is probably one of my favorites because it's so quick and easy.

Even though I hear dog trainers, including my own, repeat this practical advice for squeezing in some training time, I get the impression that many people forget about it. Or they don't think it will work. Maybe some people think it's mean to delay dinner for a desired behavior.

I'm not really sure if there's true resistance to this practice. I could just be reading too much into how often I hear it from trainers. But I'm jumping on this training tip bandwagon because it works!

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